Weekly Update #22 - Battle Redux

New battle mechanics, animations, balance changes and a new event are just some of the highlights for this week's Numentale update!

This week's changes should feel both fresh and polished with many fixes and adjustments to ensure things run smooth. The centerpiece of this week is the updated combat system, adopting a more strategic playstyle is now much more viable, being able to see enemies next skills and actions rather than mindlessly hacking through monsters the classic RPG way.


  • The battle system has been redesigned. Enemies no longer have a defence stat or power but they now show their next action. You can use this to make wiser decisions in combat!
  • Exclamation marks now appear over the Boss' card if they are charging an attack. The number of exclamation marks corresponds with the number of turns left to fully charge
  • Monster skulls on enemy cards will now tell you a little of the power of the monster. Normal monsters have one skull, rare monsters two, elite monsters three and bosses five
  • The turn indicator has been removed. The shield animation now turns slower and dims when it is not your turn instead
  • The standard hit animation has been updated
  • The font and animation for damage numbers has been updated
  • An animation has been added for the burn effect
  • An animation has been added for the poison effect
  • The font and dim has been adjusted on the damage display when an enemy is hovered
  • Enemies stats have been readjusted. Bosses should now have larger amounts of health and be overall much harder than other enemies
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the player to never get a turn in some cases if an enemy was killed by burn or other effects
  • Fixed a bug where counter would show up dimly when attacked after it had been activated during a battle


  • A new loading animation has been added
  • Fixed a bug that was causing some scenes to be loaded multiple times
  • Added new event "The Arena"
  • Fixed some white squares in enemies death animation
  • A new treasure chest and animation has been added thanks to Cethiel!
  • An animation has been added for items obtained through chests
  • The font and size has been adjusted for obtained item pop-ups
  • The defeat screen has been adjusted to be more centered
  • I added myself to the credits :-)

This week's update has been very exhausting and really pushed what kind of content I can make in a week. I'm going to be very busy over the next few weeks but smaller weekly updates will continue for now until the end of the month where it may be time to switch to monthly updates and think about future plans. Until next week, thanks for playing :) --Zak

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